Vashril Olkund

Anointed of Oschon


Physical Characteristics, likes and dislikes, and personality.


From young Orphan in the wild Steppes of Azim to a wandering Priest, a brief summary of Vash's life.

Contact Information

How to reach me!


Gender: Male
Race: Au Ra, Xaela
Citizenship: Unaffiliated
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 42
Height: 7'8"
Guardian: Oschon
Nameday: 5th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon
Likes: Literature, Fishing, Metalworks, Liquor, Limsa Lominsa, Botany
Dislikes: Voidsent, Garleans, Extreme Temperatures, Small rooms
At a glance, it's rather obvious he hails from the clan Olkund, towering over most other races. Still, he carries himself with a modest grace, his reading glasses nearly always hugging close to his face. The flowing, dark robe covers up what seems to be a rather average, if not slim, build. However, make no mistake in that he still keeps physically fit, musculature protruding slightly when laid bare. Near the base of his tail there lies a small scar, the scales seemingly chipped away and unable to regrow over top the blemish.


Much of Vashril's past is unknown, even to him. As a child, he was found and taken in by a kindly Priest of the Twelve, who was on a mission to Othard at the time. Found on the outskirts of the Steppes, alone, he was taken back to Eorzea and raised by him. He assumed the last name of Olkund due to his size, figuring it was the tribe he was originally from. He spent his youth under that man's tutelage, learning to have him as a Father, and taking great inspiration in his dedication to the Twelve. While an Au Ra devout may seem odd, he's embraced his calling.

Contact Information

Feel free to reach out to me on most anything! I'm usually around in the evenings EST, either in game or on discord.Vashril Olkund - Crystal, Balmung
Discord - Vashril#0001